Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Maybe it's a midlife crisis?!

So, recently I quit my job without having another lined up.  I only did this one other time when I moved to North Carolina.  At that time all I had was my school loan and car payment to deal with.  Things are a little different these days.  I now have a mortgage, two car payments and all the bills to go with it.  What was I thinking?  Well, to be honest, I'm not sure.  My only guess, a mid life crisis!  Yeah, I thought they only happened to men.  No, I didn't go buy a convertible or a young boyfriend to go with it.  Though, both of those things don't sound half bad.  I just quit my job and wonder why I am in this relationship that I am in on a daily basis.  My sister informs me that the thoughts I have are normal and that with the right amount of energy, my beau and I can once again have the relationship we had before.  But what was I thinking....  I guess things always work out the way they are suppose to, so we will see!